New Soundset for

Waldorf Pulse 2

Great patches for the Polyevolver keyboard.Con
Trance/Progressive Soundset for DSI Evolvers -
19.99 USD
Just saw your patches on Youtube, amazing sounds.Tris
Progressive Trance / House Soundset for Nord Lead 3 -
29.99 USD
I really like the sounds - you did great job with them.Matt
Trance Soundset for Access Virus TI / TI2 -
14.90 USD
I want to tell you that I absolutely love the patches!Iván
Progressive Trance / House Soundset for Nord Lead 3 -
29.99 USD
thanks for programming such beautiful sounds for the Poly- EvolverChip
Trance/Progressive Soundset for DSI Evolvers -
19.99 USD
Not a professional, but I love your work.Terry
Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 -
16.99 USD
I'm not a professional producer, really like the patches from what I've heardAnthony
Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 -
16.99 USD
..the patches for the NL3 are awesomeJustin
Progressive Trance / House Soundset for Nord Lead 3 -
29.99 USD
Keep the good work and thank you for the inspiring sound!Josh
Trance Soundset for Access Virus TI / TI2 -
14.90 USD
I must say I'm impressed of your patches which you have created for the nord and access.Prithvi
Trance Soundset for Access Virus TI / TI2 -
14.90 USD
Keep up the good work. Let me know if you create anymore Virus TI soundsets.Michael
Trance Soundset for Access Virus TI / TI2 -
14.90 USD
Im really impressed by your Trance Soundbank for Reveal Sound's Spire.Jordy
Trance Soundbank for Reveal Sound's Spire -
18.90 USD
i already have your TI soundset and your nice sounding Nord3 soundset, now its time for your Waldorf Pulse 2 sound set :-)Robert
Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 -
16.99 USD
It’s awesome and I am using it every time I turn on my Peak to record!Lion
Soundset for Novation Peak/Summit -
24.99 USD
I've heard (part) of your soundset for the Pulse 2 and I realy like it!Michiel
Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 -
16.99 USD

Latest News

Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 - Vol. 2

2020-03-26 14:18
 Cover of Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 - Vol.2

After my first soundbank for Waldorf Pulse 2 analog synthesiser, the time has come to release the second volume. This new soundset contains another 40 high quality presets for this amazing and powerfull analog synthesizer. The patches can be used in any genre of professional electronic music production like dance, house, trance and progressive.
As usually, every patch has modulation wheel assigned and almost all of them are velocity and/or aftertouch sensitive too. All the presets are programmed by miksa.

Do you want to get all this presets right now? Go to the online store!

Listen to the audio demo in the Media section.

12 Free Patches - Progressive Trance / House Soundset for Nord Lead 3

2019-07-04 10:18
 Cover of Progressive Trance / House Soundset for Nord Lead 3

Get 12 free patches from the soundset for Clavia's Nord Lead 3 and Nord Rack 3 synthesizers. The whole soundbank contains a 128 categorized presets, including basses, leads, synth sounds, pads and a few FX sounds. All the programs have the modulation wheel assigned to morph the sounds instantly.

Soundbank for Waldorf Pulse 2

2019-04-02 23:31
 Cover of Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2

Get the Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 with 30% discount in April 2019!

Soundset for Novation Peak/Summit synthesizer + 16 FREE patches

2019-03-19 22:23
 Cover of Soundset for Novation Peak

128 new high quality patches for Novation's Peak/Summit analog/digital hybrid synthesiser. The soundbank contains a massive and rich set of patches ready for use in any genre of professional electronic music production, like chill, ambient, house, dance, trance and progressive.
On top of the two animate buttons, every patch has modulation wheel assigned and almost all of the patches are velocity sensitive too. All the presets are programmed by miksa.

Get the 16 free patches here!

Do you want to download all this presets right now? Go to the online store!

Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2 synthesizer + 5 FREE patches

2018-04-08 22:17
 Cover of Soundset for Waldorf Pulse 2

40 high quality patches for Waldorf Pulse 2 analogue synthesiser. This soundset contains massive and powerful sounds for use in any genre of professional electronic music production, like chill, ambient, house, dance, trance and progressive.
Every patch has modulation wheel assigned and almost all of them are velocity and/or aftertouch sensitive too. All the presets are programmed by miksa.

Listen to the audio demo in the Media section.

Get the 5 free patches here!

Do you want to download all this presets right now? Go to the online store!

Soundbank for Diversion - with free pathces!

2013-12-10 12:34
 Soundbank for Diversion

New soundset of 100 patches for the exciting software synthesizer called Diversion by Dmitry Sches. This soundset contains wide variety of sounds for use in any genre of professional electronic music production, like chill, ambient, dubstep, house, dance, trance, progressive and even film scoring. Every patch has modulation wheel assigned and almost all of them are velocity and/or aftertouch sensitive too. The demonstration shows only single program, without external audio effects.

Download the 15 free demo patches of this soundset.

Do you want to download all this presets right now? Go to the online store!

Trance Soundbank for Spire - 16 free pathces!

2013-10-06 17:43
 Cover of Trance Soundbank for Reveal Sound's Spire

My brand new soundbank for Reveal Sound's Spire is here. With rich and powerful sounds you will find it useful for your trance productions. It contains a whole bank of categorized presets, including basses, leads, various synth sounds, pads and a few textures and FX sounds. All the programs have the modulatin wheel assigned to morph the sounds instantly.

Check out the demo video on YouTube or listen to the audio demo in the Media section.

Download 16 free demo patches

Do you want to download it right now? Go to the online store!

Trance Symphony - for free!

2013-07-22 20:14
 Cover of Trance Symphony by miksa

After almost 5 years of its release date, it's time to give away my first artist album for free. You can get the Trance Symphony from the media section.

New track is coming

2013-07-11 12:01

My new track called Coming To Light is coming. This is my debut track on Dangerbox Recordings.

"This track has a great bass foundation and the entire introduction is being held by this monstrous progression. The break is very cleaver and almost symphonic. Miksa has a brilliant style and he fuses it together creating an awesome progressive tune..."

Beatport Exclusive: July 31, 2013

All Stores: August 14, 2013

Listen to the audio preview in the Media section.

Miksa Official on facebook

2013-07-10 21:37

Well, it's ridiculously late but finally the official facebook page is alive. Don't miss to like it. More interesting content coming soon.

Progressive Trance / House Soundset for Nord Lead 3

2013-03-02 20:34
 Cover of Progressive Trance / House Soundset for Nord Lead 3

I proudly announce my brand new soundset for Clavia's Nord Lead 3 and Nord Rack 3 synthesizers. This is a perfect choice for every trance, house or progressive producers. It contains a whole bank of categorized presets, including basses, leads, synth sounds, pads and a few FX sounds. All the programs have the modulatin wheel assigned to morph the sounds instantly.

Watch the demo video on YouTube or listen to the audio demo in the Media section.

Take a look at the patch list. Do you want to have it? Go to the online store!

Trance Soundset for Virus TI / TI2 - free 16 DEMO patches!

2013-02-03 20:46
 Cover of New Trance Soundset for Virus TI / TI2

Download 16 free demo patches of my Trance soundset for Access Virus TI / TI2. These patches are not the same ones from the audio demo, so you will have more idea how the whole soundset looks like.
The new OS 5 is neccessary for this soundset.

Listen to the demo on YouTube or in the Media section.

Go to the online store and get the whole soundset

After Silence

2013-01-01 21:28

My new track After Silence is coming. You can listen to the preview in the Media section.

New Trance Soundset for Virus TI / TI2

2012-11-20 19:50
 Cover of New Trance Soundset for Virus TI / TI2

It contains 64 categorized patches, including basses, leads, plucked (short) sounds and pads.
All the presets have the modulatin wheel and three Soft Knobs assigned to various parameters. Some of them have velocity and channel-pressure modulation as well.
Fully compatible with Virus TI version 1 and 2. The new OS 5 is neccessary for this soundset.

Listen to the demo on YouTube or in the Media section.

Go to the online store

Special: Trance/Progressive Soundset for DSI Evolver synthesizers

2011-11-10 10:39
 Cover of Trance/Progressive Soundset for DSI Evolver synthesizers

If you think that a monophonic synth does not sound fat enough, you have a chance to change your mind. Listen to the demo on YouTube or in the Media section.

Read more and buy this soundset here

Trance Symphony in the online store

2009-04-07 22:40

Buy the Trance Symphony online using PayPal or your credit card. The price is including international shipping! Or pay less and download it immediately.

Go to the online store

Trance Symphony video spot on YouTube!

2008-12-02 8:44

Watch in high quality:
Trance Symphony by MIKSA on YouTube

Trance Symphony is out!

2008-11-12 12:17

hun November 12-én jelent meg Trance Symphony címmel egy igazán különleges album, amely tökéletesen ötvözni fogja a klasszikus zene és a trance világát. Olyan közismert szerzeményeket hallhatunk majd „trances” változatban, mint például a Carmen híres operaáriája, a Habanera, Albinoni Adagio-ja, Intermezzo a Parasztbecsületből, az Enigma, vagy akár az Allegretto Beethoven 7. szimfóniájából.
A lemez zenei világa, melyet egy eddig itthon ismeretlen muzsikus és producer, Miksa teremtett meg, azért érdekes, mert benne van a komolyzene csodás, magával ragadó érzése, és a trance lüktető őrülete. Miksa álmodta meg ezt a stílust; aki a Zeneakadémián diplomázott, de ahogy az „új generációnak”, neki is már korán részévé vált a trance, és komolyan formálta művészi kifejezésmódját. Így született ez az album, mely remélhetőleg nem csak a fiatalok kedvence lesz.

Online vásárlás

eng Today sees the release of the first album of Miksa, the Trance Symphony.

Track list:

01. Intro (Prelude) from Kreisler’s «Prelude and Allegro»
02. Habanera from Bizet’s «Carmen»
03. Adagio based on Albinoni’s «Adagio»
04. Intermezzo
from Mascagni’s «Cavalleria Rusticana»
05. Cantata (Chorale)
based on Bach’s Cantata No. 147
06. Enigma based on Elgar’s «Enigma Variations»
07. Allegretto from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7
08. Sarabande
by Handel
09. Aria
10. Fortune
from Orff’s «Carmina Burana»
11. Egmont
based on Beethoven’s «Overture to Egmont»
12. Rinaldo (Let Me Weep)
from Handel’s «Rinaldo»

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